Thursday, January 17, 2008

My Very First Blog

Hi Everyone-

I'm Raider Wiz, and this is my first ever blog. I'm a huge Oakland
Raiders fan, thus the name. I am a season ticket holder, and formally
dressed up as the "GraduRaider" at the home games. My costume was a skull
mask with a cap and gown, and a foam axe with a plastic stick. After 9/11,
the Coliseum banned my axe because of the plastic stick. I still see lots
of people bring items with much more potential to hurt others...I'm not sure how my foam axe could be a weapon.

I love to go bowling, as do my two sons. My wife doesn't care much for
bowling, but she goes and watches the kids. If she ever comes to watch me,
she's always giving tips on what I should do to bowl better!

I run my own business, making personalized poker chips and poker
. It keeps me quite busy, as poker is really popular.
Speaking of being busy, I better end this first blog and get back to work!

-Raider Wiz

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